UPM joins 4evergreen initative to boost value chain collaboration

UPM joins 4evergreen which is a new initative by Cepi, the European association representing the paper industry, to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular and sustainable economy. 4evergreen was created as a forum to engage and connect industry members from across the fibre-based packaging value chain, from paper and board producers to packaging converters, brand owners and retailers, technology and material suppliers, waste sorters and collectors.

There is an increasing need for sustainable packaging solutions. UPM engages with customers constantly to develop new innovative solutions. “We welcome this initiative as it brings together the whole value chain and has the potential to provide strong facts in support of fibre-based packaging. We believe that we can speed up the development of improved, sustainable products and recycling solutions when we increase information sharing and collaboration between the packaging value chain members”, says Mikko Rissanen, Director, Business Intelligence and Development, UPM Specialty Papers.

Along with UPM, 4evergreen members include Nestlé, Danone, Stora Enso, Metsä Board, Smurfit Kappa, Sappi, Mayr-Melnhof Group, Reno de Medici, Kotkamills, Ahlstrom Munksjö, International Paper, BillerudKorsnäs, Huhtamäki, SEDA, SIG Combibloc, Tetra Pak, Elopak, Walki, Schur Group, Cardbox Packaging, Firstan Ltd. The alliance is welcoming more organisations to join the collaboration.

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