April Best Month For Mail Delivery To Date in FY2022

Through the month of April, the average time for delivery of a mailpiece across the postal network held steady at 2.4 days.

Third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through April 29 included:
First-Class Mail: 93.5 percent of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 5.6 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
Marketing Mail: 95.0 percent of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.8 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
Periodicals: 86.8 percent of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an improvement of 5.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
more at: https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2022/0506-usps-april-best-month-for-mail-delivery-to-date-in-fy2022.htm

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