Get the Facts on Renewable Energy, Carbon Footprint and Electronic Communication – Two Sides Releases New Fact Sheets

Get informed about the sustainability of print and paper! We’ve added our latest two fact sheets to our website, addressing key environmental topics. Download them by clicking the links below.

Electronic Communication – As global demand for resources continues to grow, a sustainable future will depend heavily on the use of products that are highly recyclable and based on renewable materials and energy, as opposed to non-renewable materials produced with fossil fuel energy. Paper is well positioned given its unique sustainable features. “Go paperless, go green” is a common claim that encourages us to switch to electronic transactions and communications. But are appeals to help the environment by eliminating paper based on sound science or on marketing strategies?

The responsible manufacture, use and recycling of print and paper contribute to long-term, sustainable forest management in North America and help mitigate climate change. Print and paper will remain an important element in our media mix, and will also continue to provide social and economic benefits that contribute significantly to the well-being of North American businesses and citizens alike.

Renewable Energy and Carbon Footprint – When looking at the life cycle of paper, the carbon footprint can be divided into three basic elements: greenhouse gas emission reduction, carbon sequestration, and avoided emissions. Because paper is made from a renewable resource that stores carbon, it’s manufactured using mostly renewable energy and it’s recyclable, paper’s carbon footprint is smaller than might be expected.
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