How can over-the-counter brand-owners package their products sustainably?

To gain insight into brand-owner and converter perspectives on over-the-counter pharmaceutical and wellness product packaging, we recently conducted a study with key stakeholders in the field. Through these conversations, we discovered some confusion exists surrounding the sustainability of packaging materials. In this article, we will share some of our findings and help clarify some of the benefits and challenges of over-the-counter packaging sustainability. We will also cover results from an LCA study we recently conducted on fiber-based pharmaceutical packaging.

For over-the-counter (OTC) product brand-owners, packaging is critical: high standards for quality and safety mean strict attention to protecting the product inside. On crowded shelves, it’s important to differentiate with packaging that attracts interest, reflects such high standards, and communicates vital information about the product. Furthermore, today’s over-the-counter brands and their retailers seek to improve the sustainability of their packaging and adapt to increasing e-commerce.

How can the physical demands of over-the-counter packaging be achieved sustainably? There are plenty of considerations when evaluating packaging sustainability – and not just limited to the packaging material itself. The true impact of these materials can be studied with verifiable methods like life cycle assessment (LCA). OTC producers and packers need to partner with the right experts who are knowledgeable in the end-use to arrive at packaging solutions that are safe, strong, and sustainable.
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