Key Currency Exchange Rates for Friday, 6/25/21
American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.812743; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.154896; American Dollar to Euro = 1.194699; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.009034; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.050472.
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ATA Truck Tonnage Index Increased 0.7% in January
American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index rose 0.7% in January after increasing 1% in December. In January, the index equaled 117.1 (2015=100) compared with 116.2 in December. ATA recently revised the seasonally adjusted index back five years as part of its annual revision. “Tonnage has increased nicely in the last couple of months,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “I suspect that some of the gain is attributable to capacity coming out of the network, especially those carriers that primarily operate in the spot market and/or bought expensive used equipment in the last couple of years. This would push more freight to contract carriers, which dominate this index. "It could also be that freight bottomed and is coming up a little too. So, the gain is likely a little higher demand and a little less supply. Despite the increases in December and January, tonnage is still off 1.4% from its recent high in September," Costello said.
UPS Announces Sale of Coyote Logistics to RXO, Inc.
UPS announced it has entered into an agreement to sell its Coyote Logistics business unit to RXO, Inc., for $1.025 billion. “As UPS positions itself to become the premium small package provider and logistics partner in the world, the decision to sell our Coyote Logistics business allows an even greater focus on our core business,” said UPS Chief Executive Officer Carol B. Tomé. Based in Chicago, Coyote Logistics is a leading global third-party logistics (3PL) provider, working with 100,000 network carriers and managing 10,000 loads per day. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the year, subject to regulatory review and approval. Upon completion of the transaction, the company will update its financial outlook.