Klabin innovates in the application of paperboard with packaging for the pet market

Imagine a paper vase, where a “grass” grows, made from popcorn, suitable for consumption by your pet and, even better, rich in fiber, nutrients and mineral salts . The innovation is already available in Brazil, authored by agronomist Márcio Alexandre, better known as “Dr. Plant”, and can already be found in pet shop chains across the country. To package the product, Klabin’s KlaCup Natural Kraft® paperboard was chosen, which added sustainability to delivery and, once again, reinforced its versatility and efficiency.

For this initiative, Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging in Brazil, innovated in the application of KlaCup Natural Kraft®, creating an ideal product for the preservation and commercialization of the content, which has, including , its cover produced in paper.

“Since its launch, the quality and differentiated presentation of KlaCup Natural Kraft® has won several countries around the world, in the most diverse applications, in addition to this unprecedented one – which reinforces the versatility of our product, in addition to pointing out new paths and opportunities in packaging for paper”, says André De Marco, Product and Market Development manager at Klabin.
more at: https://klabin.com.br/reputacao/press-releases/-/2023-07-17-klabin-inova-na-aplica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-papel-cart%C3%A3o-com-embalagem-para-mercado-pet

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