PAFC Congo Basin regional certification system achieves PEFC endorsement

The Pan African Forest Certification (PAFC) Congo Basin regional system has achieved PEFC endorsement. This is the world’s first PEFC endorsed regional forest certification system.

Our national members for Cameroon, Congo, and Gabon joined forces under the name of PAFC Congo Basin to develop this regional certification system. The shared language and the similar forestry conditions in the three neighbouring countries enables them to share one system.

By developing a regional system, our members can maximise their impact and reach, share resources and knowledge, and reduce the costs in developing and running a forest certification system.

“Being part of a regional scheme is a tremendous opportunity for PAFC Cameroon. We are supported by the other PAFC members and help them back in return, leading to more efficiency in our actions,” said Reine Edwige Anjembe, President of PAFC Cameroon.

“Having one system covering three countries means more significant market access to operate. Furthermore, the training process is more efficient and better value for certification bodies, as auditors only need to be trained on one standard,” said Brice Severin Pongui, President of PAFC Congo.

“In terms of accreditation, having one system simplifies the process, as only one accreditation program needs to be opened for the sub-region.”
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