The Navigator Company Promotes the Sustainable Attributes of Print and Paper with Love Paper

The Navigator Company, European leader in the production of eucalyptus kraft pulp and uncoated wood-free paper, is committed to sustainable development, environmental responsibility and a fair society. This is encapsulated into their marketing practices and they have chosen to partner with Love Paper to highlight and promote the sustainability of their practice and products.

Love Paper, created by not-for-profit campaign Two Sides, is a global initiative aiming to improve consumer perceptions of the sustainability and attractiveness of print, paper, and paper packaging.

There are many misconceptions relating to print, paper and paper-based packaging. 37% of European consumers believe that paper and paper packaging are bad for the environment. Whilst only 16% believe the paper recycling rate exceeds 60%, when in fact it’s 72%. – Cepi, 2019. (Toluna/Two Sides, 2021.)

Paper is based on wood, a natural and renewable material. As young trees grow they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Furthermore, as a wood product, paper also continues to store carbon throughout its lifetime.

Ebony Hutt, Campaign Manager for Two Sides UK, says, “The Love Paper logo is a fantastic way to complement and enhance existing sustainability pledges, environmental labels, such as forest certification schemes and recycling, by encapsulating them under a highly visible and consumer-friendly campaign. By aligning themselves with Love Paper, brands can tap into a campaign that reaches millions of consumers every month. Brands can use the Love Paper branding on their own print marketing materials and paper-based packaging, then consumers will see that same branding on a full-page advert in their favourite Sunday newspaper. This is unique for any environmental initiative.”
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