Total U.S. Printing-Writing Paper Shipments Increased Two Percent in February 2022

U.S. purchases of total printing-writing papers increased seven percent in February compared to the same month last year.

Total printing-writing paper inventory levels decreased one percent when compared to January 2022.

U.S. purchases of uncoated free sheet (UFS) papers in February increased five percent compared to last February while the inventory level decreased two percent compared to January 2022. UFS imports and exports both decreased compared to January 2021, down 16 percent and 28 percent respectively.

Coated free sheet (CFS) paper shipments increased eight percent compared to February 2021 while the inventory level increased one percent compared to January 2022. CFS imports increased 43 percent while exports decreased 23 percent in January 2022.

U.S. purchases of coated mechanical (CM) papers in February decreased nine percent compared to last February while the inventory level increased one percent compared to January 2022. CM imports and exports both decreased compared to January 2021, down four percent and 12 percent respectively.

Uncoated mechanical (UM) paper shipments remained essentially flat (+0.3%) compared to February 2021 while the inventory level increased four percent compared to January 2022. UM imports and exports both increased compared to January 2021, up two percent and 25 percent respectively.

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