Two Sides Resources and Tools are Just a Click Away!

Just a quick reminder that Two Sides provides a host of easily downloadable resources and tools to help you tell the great environmental story of print, paper and paper-based packaging, bust the myths, address misleading claims and share consumer perceptions about our products. Many of these resources are linked below. To access additional Members Only resources, you can log in to the Members Only section of the website. Also, don’t forget that many Two Sides materials can be co-branded with member company logos. If you’ve forgotten your member login information or would like more information on co-branding, please email us at

• Fact Sheets that provide research and data to help explain the most misunderstood aspects of the industry, from paper recovery and recycling to paperless “green” claims to the environmental impact of e-communications.
• Easily-shareable infographics that highlight topics like sustainable forestry, the value of reading print on paper and anti-greenwashing campaigns.
• An in-depth booklet that is full of Myths and Facts designed to educate the public about the print and paper industry.
• The Busting the Myths survey report, which gives members insight into consumer perceptions and attitudes about the paper and print industry.
• Blogs full of informative content, supporting an active social media presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to promote the value of print to a broad audience

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