USPS Tests New Local Delivery Service in Texas (
While UPS buys its way into last mile and on-demand delivery with Roadie, the U.S. Postal Service is piloting a same/next-day delivery service in Texas, geared toward local business-to-consumer orders that companies bring to a local USPS office to get a discounted rate.
During the pilot of USPS Connect Local, small businesses can print prepaid labels using using ClickNShip, the USPS’s labeling system, and bring their packages to the dock of a post office near the final destination. The discounted rates are normally reserved for large-volume shippers. Packages must be dropped off by 7 a.m. for same-day delivery, otherwise it’s a next-day service.
USPS Connect Local, launched in July, is part of the agency’s 10-year Delivering for America plan, which has a goal of adding $24 billion in net revenue growth over that period.
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