High recycling rates are a priority for Domtar—and for our industry partners. We’ve worked together to boost the rate that paper and packaging are recycled throughout the U.S.
And it’s working. The pulp and paper industry continues to achieve a high recycling rate for its products, according to newly released data from the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA). In 2022, 93.6% of all cardboard boxes and corrugated containers were recycled, an increase from the previous year’s 91.4%. And the paper recycling rate in 2022 was 67.9%, holding nearly steady compared to 68.1% in 2021.
We’re doing our part by using recycled cardboard containers at our newly re-started Kingsport Mill, Domtar’s first 100%-recycled manufacturing facility. It produces containerboard to make cardboard boxes.
We also recently partnered with Food City, a regional grocer. Domtar now accepts all of the retailer’s old cardboard containers to fuel production.
“Cardboard and paper waste from area Food City stores will go to Domtar rather than local landfills. They’ll eventually become part of packaging used by customers across the world,” says Charlie Floyd, vice president of strategic capital projects for Domtar’s packaging business.
more at: https://newsroom.domtar.com/domtar-is-committed-to-increased-recycling-rates-for-paper-cardboard/