FPAC Releases Report to Advance Caribou Recovery Solutions

Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) released a comprehensive report today that highlights efforts in support of caribou recovery across the country – along with a series of recommendations to the federal government that will help inform solutions to further preserve and enhance habitat for caribou and other species that inhabit Canada’s forests.

Forest Sector Contributions to Woodland Caribou Recovery was released today by FPAC CEO Derek Nighbor in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers in Halifax.

The report includes a compendium of projects and initiatives taking place across the country as part of the Canadian forest products sector’s active efforts to support caribou recovery. The report highlights multiple factors impacting caribou populations, and the unique position Canada’s forestry professionals are in to support caribou recovery with science, research, and by advancing on the ground partnerships.

Canada forest products sector is recognized globally as a model for sustainable forest management. Professional foresters across the country plan harvests through the lens of 150+ year timeframes to ensure we can enjoy our Canadian forests for generations to come. They also consider several forest values including fire risk mitigation, protecting watersheds, and preserving wetlands, in addition to maintaining habitat for the over 500 mammals, birds, and fish who call the forest home.

“Caribou recovery planning is one part of this important web of work we undertake in our forests every day,” said FPAC CEO Derek Nighbor. “Today’s report provides insights into a number of the activities that are making a difference in supporting caribou recovery while recognizing it is important to find solutions that consider all wildlife species living in our forests, including caribou. Our made in Canada approach to forest management is rooted in planning for the entire ecosystem which will help us keep our forests healthy for generations to come, and will help us sustain rural and northern communities and family-supporting jobs across Canada,” he added.
more at source: http://www.fpac.ca/fpac-releases-report-to-advance-caribou-recovery-solutions/

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