PROVEN FACT! Your catalog cover is the number one creative opportunity to test and increase response. Why? It’s a “first impression” and your best opportunity to inspire action. First impressions are formed in a matter of seconds and if you greet your customers (or even worse, your prospects) with “bleh” your hard work is trashed. Literally. It’s milquetoast.
Merriam-Webster defines “milquetoast” as “a timid, meek, or unassertive person,” the implication being that a “milquetoast” person (or brand) is afraid to take a risk with fear of backlash. And that my friends, is the problem with most catalogs today. Brands aren’t taking risks and therefore, are not standing out in the mail.
Ready to take a risk? Read on to learn three guaranteed ways to make sure your catalog covers are making an impact.