Part 2: Leveraging credible climate action for business success

The race to combat the climate crisis and biodiversity loss demands on credible action from businesses. In this second blog of the “Unite in the Forest Fight” series, we explore the importance of verified data to showcase tangible impact. Discover how supporting sustainable forestry can drive meaningful change and enhance your business’s reputation.

Acting on the climate crisis and biodiversity loss not only boosts competitiveness and financial performance, but also demonstrates social responsibility, while earning customer loyalty and investor support. Regardless of your sector, your business must adopt a robust sustainability strategy to remain relevant.

But a strategy alone isn’t enough. Making commitments without follow-through can be risky and may see support for the business dwindle. Added to this is the renewed sense of urgency to do more, faster, as scientists warn that we’re inching perilously closer to an increasingly uninhabitable Earth. The current trajectory suggests we will potentially exceed the 1.5°C temperature-increase limit outlined in the Paris Agreement1.
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